Hello, world! This is my story & here is where I ramble, mumble & rant. I am a 4th year med skool student whom still thinks he has a life. I always believe that the grass is greener on my side. I am no celebrity but the things that happens in my life make me one? i am a drama magnet. i love my family & friends.
hey guys, i m not even gonna waste my time apologizing for the long break of blogging, i m sure by now u are fed up of my excuses...so lets jus go straight to IMU got talent.
yes once again we m106 / c208 proved we got more than poor academic result, we got too much time too...hehehe kidding kidding...
actually i m lucky i m part of this hip n happening batch...even in our midst of exam preparation we are ever ready to put a good show for the crowd.
the show was fully planned by mei ann, and 98% performers were c208 and 60% audience were ....yes u guessed it right ..c208..
eventhough the program lacked planning, mei ann pulled it off. Dato was really pleased with out talent k.
on the other hand, i also have have have to mention, chengling n i claimed that the music night was shud be renamed "lingwei's music tour" muahahaha coz she was in 4 out 6 performances. we all seemed like the crew of the concert...hahaa ok she gonna kill me for this comment.
but the highlight of the day ( me sounding grandiose) was our group performance. we din even have a name for the group, that was how last minute we prepared for it. but since we decided to perform we din wanna pull out...so it was either shine as stars or go for plastic surgery the nest day..hehehe
we sang a medley, choir/acapella/ group performance style. 3 songs; Jason mraz- i'm yours, Rihanna's disturbia and katy perry's hot n cold.
the crowd was very surprised and receptive...they cheered especially with my stupid dramatic choreography.
but overall it turned out ok...( me still in denial phase)
Music night @ IMU
(ling wei and all the extra performances)
"the chocolat"
name courtesy of lup yik at the end of music night
the emcees whom were coerced by mei ann n me the night before the show
( dejun and ching mei)
will put the video of the performance soon..... the one on utube is jus a snippet.
Friday, April 03, 2009 @ 6:33 PM
It's always hard to aptly place Yasmin Ahmad's movies into a specific genre but it's no lie to say that hers are all little slices of life's pie where you can sit down and get a whiff of its delicious scent before taking a bite into something fulfilling. It was her vision to capture the essence of humanity in her films and the images in "Talentime" simply reverberate that sentiment. I would not go so far as to say they reflect a reality that we all know and recognise but Yasmin Ahmad's films have always been a sentimental look into human emotion; matters of the heart and most importantly - the concept of love.
"Talentime" does not disappoint in that sense.
The characters of 'Talentime' are the kind of characters that you would not disassociate from real life people in Malaysia, a rich blending of all that makes our country unique. What makes this film work so well is that not once does it feel as though it is rubbing an idea into your face. Yasmin's handling of racial and religious issues is seen by some as controversial but this writer views it as a most refreshing and sensitive take on the subject. She makes no conclusions of her own in the film, merely letting the presence of the subject linger within the story but allowing the audience to come to their own decision. ( taken from a movie critic)
Watching this movie was totally an unexpected thing. i heard bout it on radio and tv and suddenly decided to watch. it was my second movie post exam. Aaron whom finished his on call decided to join me for the 1045pm show at tGV seremban 2. Even the cashier at TGV was like " dunno why ppl not watchin this movie, its a good story" he was super glad we were buying tickets for it. like we expected there were only a handful of ppl in the cinema. i guess us malaysians still streotype malaysian films. i m sure u have met ppl whom go " aiyah who wants to watch a malaysian film" ok i confess i was one of them until i watched Sepet by Yasmin. and since then i loved all her film. so i had high expectation for talentime and the movie exceeded my expaectations.
i think yasmin ahmad outdid herself.
This is pure malaysian film with dialogues in BM, cantonese, tamil and mostly english.
From the plot, to the wide versatile actors, the script, whoa the english, till the oh my god i must get the OST songs....it was awesome.
some of the famous acotrs in the movie include, harith iskandar, azean irdawaty( top actress), jacyln victor ( malaysian idol whose tamil was so fluent ) pamela chong ( vince AF's sister and amazing race asia 2 ) ida nerina ( top actress and amazing race asia 3 ) mahesh kishor, karhoe, syafi ( new guys) , elza irdalyna ( azean's daughter, rising star, proud to say my ex primary skool mate) tan mei ling, and of course adibah noor ( top singer, actress in loads of adverts).
this is a must watch !!!!!
let me treat you to one of the OST of talentime ( taken from bollywood movie aaja nachle )
Thursday, April 02, 2009 @ 7:42 PM
ok as random as the post title sounds, this is post is even much more random. As most of u know, i have started sem 7... this august it will be my Professional Exam part 1 ( the drama name for the EOS 7) As drama as the name sounds, the workload is even more drama then any drama i ever expereinced.so pls don be dissapointed if u don c regular post from me k...i still sayang u all but if u can study for me then i write more post for u all k...hehehe ok enuf drama, so back to my post. so last tuesday, i had my Psychiatric end of posting clinical exams. din expect i would like psychiatric coz i was always very scared in all these issues. well after the five week, at least i overcame some of the fears. its really pity to see these patients coz everyone thinks they are mad and label them as mad ppl, but in the real, they are ppl with problems jus like us, but it has effected them till they turn out this way.. but mus say 5 weeks in psych unit was fun...the wonderfull bizzare stories from all patients, all the lecturer's fun clinic. my groups never ending maddness and not mention the schizophrenia song courtesy of jenlye.hehe.
ok so as a post exam celeb, me, dej, ren n chitra wen to watch a movie. ( lingwei rushed back to kl to b with her bf cody who is leaving to japan to further studies, and davidlee couldn;t join coz his exam was later). so after the candlelight dinner at kensington ( due to power cut) we headed to MBO ( the very secluded but big theather in seremban) all set and we jus made it in time to catch the "sci fi" movie Knowing. at least thats wat we told dejun ( who clearly said he would not watch scary movies) ....to all our horror at the begining itself there was a girl starring at screen looking psychotic and having auditory hallucination. aRRGHHH sorry dejun...we din know the movie got unsur unsur seram!!!! moreover it was another of the "end of the world" themed movie. but mus giv it more credits than the pure indulgent rubbish movie called " hari dunia tidak bergerak" the funniest thing was Knowing had so so so many psyciatry theme,...seriously every scene u can diagonse that character with a psy diagnosis....so i suggest to all those who finished psych posting to go c....muhahahha.
ok then part 2 of my stories begins, it was already bout 11.50pm on 31st march. just that evening we were talking bout ppl whom make prank calls. i was apparently labelled goody two shoes for never pranking ppl before. and the experts aaron n chitra claims they have like major experience. so i tot lets give it a try. so i typed some really ridiculous stuff " hey ppl, have u guys seen, theres like a unique shaped star in the sky, every1 is checking out and i cant seem to see, my view is bad.." ok even i tot it was a super lame thing. so i sent it to aaron n chitra thinking that they will neva fall for it. like i expected, chitra msges back n said haha nice try. then moments later i m getting reply from ren " is it a sattelite ah" ..that jus got me laughing loud, so i replied " dunno la..i cant see ...if u c tell me" ....so apparently he went out of house..n starred at sky...not to mention dragged his housemate chengling out too n they were starring into space for 5 plus minutes. finally he msgs " kajen, all we c is a star, think its satelitte" then i cannot tahan d....so i had to end it...,msged him back " happy april's fool...finally i kenakan some1!!!!" the story is still being repeated and retold to our friends...for more drama c aarons blog....
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 9:26 PM
JAI HO remixed
oooo i like this.. pussycat dolls hav remixed AR Rahman's, jai ho. its a good beat
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 6:06 PM
i interrupt this flashback series with an important announcment
They Deserve It !!!!!
with 4 Golden Globes
and7 BAFTA awards
now with8 Oscar Awards
i m super damn happy that Slumdog Millionaire has proved its a superb movie. To those who dunno slumdog has been given the oscars for the best picture 2008. other awards include best director and also best original score and best song.
AR Rahman started off with directing the music with tamil movies, then went to bollywood and conquered the music industry there. and now he has proven himself again by winnnig the oscars. Jai ho song is so stimulating and inspiring.
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 1:50 PM
Flashback Series - Episode 9
Leaving on a jet plane
no not me, but once again it was tough saying goodbyes to a bunch of very close friends. all of them are pursuing their phase 2 medical in aussie n newzee. i know that it is definately not the end of our friendship or anythin close to that, but its jus that there is a sudden reality check when i realise that they are not going to be closeby like they used to be. no spontaneous meet ups, no sudden trips, no wacky parties and etc. if u realise i had a previous post few months back on a few other friends leaving....mus say that i m very glad that i m still in contact with them. so i presume it will be the same for these bunch whom are leaving and left.
yee yoon - ur friendly neighbourhood bee hoon!!!! known her from SAM i think the very 1st day... She too smart so there is no prob for her jus that UNSW better be ready!!! hehe.
gonna miss all the wierd sound effects she does... kua..
Boris - yup he is looking sad here, coz he had to leave b4 yy, but they can always meet up in oz..
he is my senior who honestly belongs in my batch...always helping us out in wateva way he can..
really cool guy..all the best.
yy and boris - so damn cute pic...
kevin - so called " korean model" but best prom king ever..
gonna miss u a lot bro, especially the weird things in our trip to hanoi
found it so difficult to get a good pic of him coz he is always behind the camera..ish
take care n cant wait for next trip.
Bee ling @ Christene -if she had a choice all the animals in world would be pink..hehe
she still owes me her secret on how she loses weight in an instant..
she can bully n can be bullied...thats christene...
all the best from sunny honey bear.
Fiona - the gal who has no prob speaking her mind. our passion for drama in life really got us clicked immediately...This square face gal (sorry fi!) hates it when i do the black fly ( insider joke). i know she would enjoy newcastle n she is ready to kick some butt. go fi!
Mui how- the only wan who calls banana leaf rice....banana neem nice...hehe
he is the cutest person, always making ppl feel good. one of the other IT guru of mine...!!!
n if he can put up wit james...he deserves a award... miss u mui...
James- if he wasn't chinese he would be indian...hehehe
i think he knows more tamil, more indian customs n even how to do kolam..
one of the person i can trust n will remain freinds till end....u better james!!! i jus know for sure, he would survive great in newzee...
swarna - the sweetest thing on earth,
luckily she has james in newzee, if not dunno wat she'll eat. ok kiddin ( hopefully the recipe book is being used?? )
this gal is one of the only gal who knows me best... don get decieved by her innocent looks, she is tough n independent and i know she is doing awesome. ..
the 4 crazy ones, zmeng( who was down for a while, now back to oz ), me,
swarna ( b4 her flight) n felicity ( all the best for ur final recital!!!)
Well i know, ur wondering....how come all my friends are leaving and it looks like i got no more friends here....hehe u don have to worry coz, i still have a few good souls back here whom are always here for me...
i tribute this post to all my buddies...for putting up with this weird, wacky, dramatic guy.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 11:18 AM
Flashback series - episode 8
The adopted family
It was my first ever visit to batu pahat. i think i have passed it many times but never stopped n stayed there. Why was i there? well because de jun n i had the false notion that every clinical school student has to participate in the kg. angkat project. ( adopted village prog). actually if u remember, i did organise n participate in the IMU bukit jalil version of the programme. but that one was really a kg. orang asli. This time it was quite fun coz we got to particiapte along with our super seniors in sem 10 whom are residing at batu pahat campus. we never really got to know them before coz when we were sem 1 they were sem 5. mus say they are a good bunch of ppl. ok coming back to my original story...why did i say de jun n i had the false notion...well it false...it was no rule that every has to do it...so we kinda got terperangkap...coz they timing was not so right as exams were closeby....but who knew it would have turned out to be a great experience.
The bunch of us that went, were divided into pairs. the 1st night we stayed in our seniors place in BP and the second day onwards we stayed at the Kampung Simpang Enam....one long road streches along few villages surrounded by lush green palm tree farms..n pineapple farms.
the village people were not like i expected, they are really very well educated and well to do..most of the new generations are residing in towns but they all come back during holidays weekends to spend time with their folks. the kg ppl are really friendly and fun. they had so many activites. in return we had done a health screening and gotong royong activity for them.
one of the best ways to spend a weekend.
the sem 6 gang....during the gotong royong...( yup this is the pic ended up in Dr James's blog)
dej, me, valene,suewen,chingmei,jane
us with some seniors
smuggling the hampers
leong, me, weeyun, xiaofen, dej, valene
my adopted home....1st experience in kg house...
my adopted family...
really nice family welocmed me n dej with open arms..
made them pose for this pic...hehehe the morning senam robik
the malam kebudayan...( seremban 3 gals got baju kebaya's from their adopted mums)